Sales and Marketing
Director of Sales and Marketing
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Sales and Marketing
Laura has been with F-R-M for 13 years. She made her start in Customer Service and moved to marketing three years ago. Laura graduated from ABAC with an Ag-Business degree. She is no stranger to work having been active on their family farm since age 9.
Laura and sister, Katie, grew up in the show ring, exhibiting cattle and swine at the local, state, and national levels. She and husband, Kevin, have six children. They own a diverse farming operation which includes sod, cattle, watermelons, tomatoes, soybeans, and peanuts. During free time (haha), she follows her children in their activities which include showing cattle, playing travel softball, travel baseball, and football.
Sales and Marketing
Amanda graduated ABAC with a Bachelors of Science in Agriculture with a Concentration in Livestock Production. She enjoys anything outdoors or when cattle are included. Her two dogs, Luke and Rae, are her sidekicks when she is on the road. Amanda has provided marketing knowledge and outside sales assistance to F-R-M since January 2016.
Sales Manager
Rusty has been with F-R-M for 38 years.
Prior to joining the sales team, Rusty
was involved in all aspects of production.
Rusty loves the outdoors and enjoys hunting and fishing.
Tally, his Boxer, is with him most days; he says she’s a pretty good secretary!
“My customers are family!”